The Bethlehem Fair is always seeking new and different vendors.

It is the policy of The Bethlehem Fair to accept vendors of all races and ethnic backgrounds. The Bethlehem Fair prides itself in providing the best variety, with as little duplication as possible in order to provide both the vendors and patrons with a mutually gratifying experience

We are seeking craft and commercial vendors and may have either inside or outside space available.

For outside rental space please email

For indoor rental space pleased email

Please send a photo of your setup, and complete list of items you wish to vend.

Please note: vendor space is only sold through the fair office, any space listed elsewhere is not valid, please contact us if you see this situation.

Space for food products is limited, with space only becoming available as vendors drop our event.

Please email for more information. Please include a picture of your setup and a complete menu with the email. Applications will be kept on file for future reference as space becomes available.

Space for amusement rides or games is full, with no expectations of any availability in the near future. For more information contact